Principal's Desk


VET FIRST GRADE COLLEGE has completed 27 years of glorious service to society in the field of education, providing well-balanced quality education to students for the construction of their minds. The college is distinguished for its teaching methods, imparting value-based education, and has achieved excellence in both curricular and co-curricular activities, ultimately contributing to the betterment of society.

I am delighted to share that our students have achieved remarkable success in the University Examinations. Aswathi S of BCA and Pallavi D S of the B.Sc. FAD Program secured the 7th and 10th ranks, respectively, in the BCU Examination held in Sep/Oct 2022. This outstanding performance reflects the dedication and excellence upheld by our students.

Furthermore, I am proud to highlight that VET First Grade College earned the 19th rank among the Top 20 promising Higher Education Institutes in Bengaluru in 2019.

To enhance the overall college experience, we offer a range of sports, cultural, and extra-curricular facilities. These initiatives aim to cultivate life skills, instill social values, and contribute to holistic personality development.

We take pride in our state-of-the-art infrastructure and well-stocked library, designed to empower students to enrich their learning skills and enhance their knowledge through the use of E-content.

The range of programs offered by the institution includes Commerce, Management, Fashion Technology, Computer Applications, Psychology, Journalism, Optional Kannada, and Optional English. As you step into the portals of the college, you are immersed in our ethos of competence, discipline, and character. Students' participation in various committees and clubs reinforces their contribution to society. The short-term courses and certificate programs support them in competing with their peers in the corporate world. I am confident that students will enjoy their learning experience at VET, regardless of the program they choose. The journey from student orientation to graduation will result in better citizens contributing to society at large.

Once again, congratulations to our high-achieving students, and we look forward to continuing this journey of academic excellence together.

I recall the saying of Swami Vivekananda “All Power is within you, you can do anything and everything”, and here comes VET First Grade College, supporting the students to achieve anything and everything so that they become valued Citizen of India.’

Dr. R Parvathi
M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D (Fin), Ph.D (Commerce)
Principal & Academic Director

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