ED Cell

Entrepreneurship cell is a non-profit student's organization dedicated to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship among students. The basic aim of ED-Cell is to encourage college-level students to start their own enterprise by providing supportive and nurturing environment for students and alumni to nurture innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship.

The ED cell has been set to provide state of the art facilities, resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. It also bridges the gap between academia and industry by encouraging students to apply their knowledge and practical experience through their internships, and projects to set up a start-up venture.

The ED cell thus, helps to promote culture of innovation, creativity, and problem-solving amongst the students at large. The key exposure includes internships, projects, field visits, industrial visits, workshops and seminars by experts which builds capacity as entrepreneurs.

Under the ED cell set-up in VETFGC the Incubation Cell and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) wing is also set-up to look into nurturing start-up phase by providing necessary support and mentorship to the budding entrepreneurs. IPR wing is set-up to provide and make students understand the legal rights to utilize his invention or creation in the right manner and while setting up a start-up and to also protect them with right knowledge and unlawful use of investment, time, money, and effort for economic development of an entrepreneur.

Under the IPR wing of the ED cell topics like patents, copyrights, creating logo, trademark, policies, strategies, how to evolve successfully about licensing are some of the topics on which periodical seminars are conducted for upliftment of students’ knowledge to make them a successful entrepreneur.

Committee Members:
Chairperson: Head of the Department
Head of the Committee: Senior most Faculty
Members Faculty Members from all Streams (5-6 members)
Students Representatives

Activities of ED-Cell

  • Conducting workshops & seminars
  • Providing working space like Business lab,
  • Conducting mentorship programs,
  • Connecting successful entrepreneurs and industrial experts,
  • Conducting of competitions to develop innovative solutions.
  • Partnering with industry players through MOUs to support start up growth and funding opportunities.
  • Nurturing Incubation Cell and IPR Wing.
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