Department Overview

The VET First Grade College has 7 departments that include Commerce, B.Sc. Fashion and Apparel Design, Computer Science, Management, Languages, Arts and Department of M.Com. The department organizes Seminars, workshops, Conferences and Faculty Development Programs for students and faculty for their constant upgradation and to be abreast with the contemporary developments in the respective domains. The department also ensures that faculty members attend Orientation programs for the updated and new courses. It inculcates experiential learning through various internships, field studies and projects giving the students real time experience of the theoretical concepts learnt in the classroom. It also promotes a rich and participative culture of learning through various club activities designed for overall holistic development of the students.

Department of Commerce
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Department of Management
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Department of
Fashion and Apparel Design
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Department of Computer Applications
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Department of Arts
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Department of Post Graduation
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Department of Kannada
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Department of English
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Department of Administration
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