Internal Complaint Cell

VET First Grade College has zero tolerance policy against discrimination and sexual harassment. An act of sexual harassment is a punishable offence. In terms of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Harassment and Redressal) Act 2013, with a view to provide protection against discrimination and sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental there to, the Internal Complaints Committee has been constituted in the College. The Complaints Committee will be responsible for the redressal of complaints made by employees and students to ensure time-bound treatment of the complaints as provided in the Act.


Internal Complaints Committee has been constituted to prevent any form of sexual harassment in the institution. Internal Complaints Committee will examine all matters related to women in the institution and will make suggestions and proposals regarding such matters.


Sexual Harassment against women’ in any form is an uncivilized act and hence it is strictly prohibited in this institution and any kind of such act will be viewed seriously by the Internal Complaints Committee constituted for the purpose.

The committee will arrange programs on Women’s Day and at other times, as is deemed necessary.

  • The committee will admit complaints from
    • Female employees on harassment and discrimination in the institution by other employees.
    • oFemale students on harassment and discrimination in the classroom and in relation to academic activities by faculty and staff.
  • The Committee will institute Enquiry Committee as it deems fit to examine particular complaints.
  • The Committee will make recommendations on actions to be taken on specific complaints.
Chairperson: Dr. R.Parvathi, Principal
Head of the Committee: Ambily.I.P.
Members Sri. Manandi. N. Suresh
Gowri Hebbar
Police Inspector, J P Nagar
Students Darshan.S. – B.Com
Pooja.S. - B. Sc FAD
Srinidha. - BBA
Ishor Das - BCA


College staff, students, parents; other relevant stakeholders may provide their complaints and get redressed about their complaint either online or offline by sending mail or submitting hard copy of the form or even online logging in or mailing to

Mail to Us Online form Offline Form Click Here Click Here

Internal Complaint Cell Proceedings

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