Other Activities

Workshops & Seminars

Workshops and Seminars are a regular feature in VET FGC along with academics it is conducted in association with Deccan Herald and many free lancers as well workshops and seminars of all kind like communication skills, Career opportunities, orientation programs for professional courses like CA, CS, Spiritual sessions and many more are conducted. It leads to development of skills like communication, leadership, team spirit and make the students expert in other key areas needed for job. Overall it combines to personality development in students.

Health and Planning

To create awareness and educate the students regarding maintaining of good health and hygiene its importance. To conduct health related programs, health camps, lectures, yoga classes.

  • Maintaining First Aid
  • Conducting Blood Donation Camp
  • Health Scheme to the students and employees
  • Maintaining blood group data base of students
  • Conducting workshop and guest lecture with reference to health
  • Involvement in conducting training sessions and health checkup camps along with guest talk on hygiene, overall health and psychology
  • To Create general awareness about healthy habits and healthy environment


VET First Grade College has observed the following events and it is celebrated regularly:

  • Independence day
  • Republic day
  • Martyrs day
  • Swami Vivekananda Day
  • Gandhi Jayanthi
  • Freshers Day
  • Orientation Day
  • Ayudha pooja and many more

College has multiferious activities to involve the students and inculcate in them the values of patriotism.

The college Celebrated Independence day on 15th August, after the flag hoisting NSS Students presented programme commemorating our beloved leaders who laid their life for the freedom of our country.

Gandhi Jayanthi was observed on 2nd October, Republic day, Swami Vivekananda and Environment Day were observed to bring awareness among the students about their significance.

Newly admitted students are inducted into the college programme, an orientation is planned to tell them about the curricular and extra curricular activities of the college. The college believes in holistic development of every student: Freshers Day was organised where the newly admitted students showcased their talents.

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