Anti Sexual Harassment Redressal Cell

Sexual Harassment has been defined as, “An act of sexual harassment includes any one or more of the unwelcome acts or behaviour, whether directly or by implication”

  • Physical contact and advances
  • A demand or request for sexual favours
  • Making sexual coloured remarks
  • Showing pornography
  • Any unwelcome physical, verbal or nonverbal conduct of sexual nature.

Roles and responsibilities

The committee has to ensure enough steps are taken to create awareness on the topic.


  • Dr. R. Parvathi


  • Narayanaswamy. S. G
    Vice Principal

Head of the Committee

  • Ambily I P


  • Sri. Manandi N Suresh
  • Prathima B J
  • Bharathi P S
  • Police Inspector
  • Narayanaswamy S G
  • If in case any person approaches any of the committee member, the member is immediately required to inform others and call for the meeting
  • A written complaint is required to be taken from the aggrieved person, necessary action to be taken, preferably to settle the matter through counseling and conciliations soon as possible in case the matter is not sorted, inquiry to be conducted and matter to be sorted out within 10 days from the date of complaint.
  • The members to be vigilant all the time and ensure that there is no such incident taking place in campus by creating awareness and having an open dialogue with all the students.
  • The committee is expected to be vigilant and to ensure that the students open up and discuss their major issues with the members. It is their duty to take initiative and indulge into a dialogue with those students who are observed to be silent, non-participative and/or show any kind of unusual behaviour.
  • It is most important to ensure that the students interact and come out of their personal problems so that they succeed in their efforts, and this would prevent suicidal instincts in them.
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